Saturday, October 30, 2010

Article Marketing Can Do A Lot For You - Once You Learn to do It Properly

SEO Expert

Catedral de la Seo by Dario Traveso

Three Top Reasons to Use Article Marketing to Promote Your Business
It is no doubt that article marketing is going to continue to go strong for years to come. If you are ready to start making money with little investment then article marketing is your solution.
One of the strengths of article marketing is its ability to allow you to talk directly to the reader; all while pre-selling and informing them. Due to the rampant fraud that is going on over the internet; people are more careful who they do business with. They must trust you before doing business. Using article marketing you can convert your readers into customers, by helping them make a proper buying decision. The key to article marketing is to learn to pre-sell. To make money online, especially if you are an affiliate, you have to incorporate some type of presell in your activities. In your article, you can express the benefits of your product or service and make your site a continuation of the article that they found it through. Your job is to provide the searcher with the best possible answer to their question and it all starts with your article. Always remember, the information in your article should be relevant to the webpage that you will be sending them to. The power of article marketing is in the pre-sell.
There is another powerful advantage to article marketing, which is that it brings you helpful one way backlinks that are very good for your site's search engine optimization. By submitting articles to relevant sites and blogs as well as article directories, you create a growing number of high quality backlinks pointing at your site. Submitting quality articles is one of the easiest ways to get inbound links to your site, something that all online marketers know the importance of. Another beneficial thing that often happens is that your article will get published on sites where you didn't even send it, bringing you additional backlinks. With article marketing you have a completely cost free and above board way to obtain your backlinks. Article directories are considered authority sites, so the backlinks you get from them are considered relevant by the search engines. Besides that, you don't need thousands of articles to gain these backlinks. You really only need several quality articles to start getting links which can very quickly improve your site's search engine rank.
Last but not least; once you start writing and publishing articles on a regular basis, people in your targeted niche will start seeing you as an expert they can count on. As a marketer, it helps your position when people respect your knowledge and suggestions. You'll notice that you will start to build loyal readers who will follow your articles and take your advice on a regular basis. By creating this connection, you start to carve out a place in their minds. As you carve out your own place within your niche, your article marketing efforts will become easier as your articles become sought after.

There are few other methods that can give you such a high return on investment. Articles can be used to funnel traffic into your business which will make each article you put out worth even more money. It's up to you to experiment with it and get the best results.

Source: Denny Orson is our guest SEO expert who also writes articles on the subject of Seo Definition.

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