Monday, May 2, 2011

Increasing Your Site's Page Rank - What You Need to Know

Searching... by Fifi 1968

Automatic SEO System

Without quality traffic a website is just a place to store data. Search engines top almost any other method for receiving traffic, especially Google. If you're looking for a tsunami of traffic to come your way then you want to do whatever it takes to get your site ranked highly with Google.

The first step to get good ranking with Google is to make Google believe your site has something to offer. Is that even possible to do? You must first increase the page rank of your site to show Google that your site has some value. Boost your site's page rank by following the excellent advice below.

Social bookmarking websites like Reddit and Digg all have high page ranks and any websites that get submitted to them can obviously be helped. These websites can offer you a fantastic way to make contact with your target audience through the provision of good content. So in a way, social bookmarking sites offer you a way to directly and indirectly increase your website's page rank. Seriously! For one thing, the websites that you submit to already have a very high page rank. Secondly, people that are browsing through these social bookmarking sites are looking out for sites to link to as resources. If your website has something real to offer it won't take long for lots of other sites to link to you and help you get a higher page rank. The tags of your bookmarks need to be relevant and have the best keywords.

Get to know people who have blogs or websites in your niche and develop genuine relationships with them. When you let them get to know you and what you have to offer you'll discover that many are all too happy to share a little link love. This may seem like a tedious task since it involves both time and patience, however, if you do get it right, you'll end up beating 99% of the competition as they aren't doing what you are. Competition can be healthy when you are going for productive competition rather than destructive - keep that in mind.

Building backlinks to increase page rank should be done in a steady, coherent, and logical manner. Don't be tempted into building as many backlinks as you can, as fast as you can. Backlink building should be done at a steady pace. You have to be very careful as to where your backlink is being generated from. Backlinks should all be of quality. Don't' participate in link exchanges. Quality over quantity is always a good thing when it comes to backlinks. Getting a sudden rush of low quality backlinks can actually lower your page rank! Building backlinks in a naturally looking way and providing your readers with great content is the best plan of action.

Building page rank takes time. and consistent effort. You won't see an increase overnight but given enough time, you will see the fruits of your labor begin to pay off. It's really easy to lose your way in the SEO industry, especially when you have a new update coming out every day. To summarize this article - To raise page rank and land on the first page of Google for your keyword, you should building backlinks slowly from other sites which already have high page rank. Provide your readers with high quality and original content.

Article source: Rufina Sanjurjo ( fbf88c95 ) is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in seo services more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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